As our suburb does not have a local library we are lucky to have the mobile library visit our suburb once a fortnight. Today was the day for the mobile library to visit and as I had a book that was overdue as well as a couple of other books that I had read and needed to be returned Kyle and I visited the mobile library.
After I had returned our books I was browsing the shelves as you do. Kyle was keen to see if they had any Thomas the Tank Engine books for him to borrow but as luck would have it they only had the one which was Cranky. As Kyle already owns this book and has been reading it often we didn't have to need to borrow it. I asked the librarian if they stock Thomas the Tank Engine books very often. She said that they are always very popular and are borrowed again as soon as they are returned. She asked if I visit the mobile library regularly and said that she could hold any returned Thomas books for us so that we didn't have to pay a reserve fee. That is really nice of her being that is costs 80 cents per book to place a reserve. Due to Christmas and the New Year the mobile library won't be due to visit our suburb again for another month now but we will be sure to visit when it does.
I always tell myself that I really don't need to be borrowing any more books from the library as I have plenty of my own that I need to get read but every time I just can't seem to help myself. Here are the books that I borrowed today.....

Just some light reading that is quick and easy to pick up and put down again.
At the newsagent the latest Thomas the Tank Engine magazine was in so I bought that for Kyle. He thought it was quite a bonus getting a couple of pieces of train track for free with the magazine. These magazines are so well read by Kyle every day.