Saturday, December 29, 2012

Another reading year drawing to an end....

As the 2012 reading year comes to an end I thought it might be about time I revivied this blog and will try my best to keep it active in 2013.

Time to go on the search for challenges to participate in during 2013 and set my reading goal of how many books I hope to read in 2013.  I usually aim to read 125 books each year and come very close to being able to complete that amount each year.  My wishlist of books I would like to read continues to steadily grow and there always plenty of great book recommendations to be found on goodreads.

If you aren't already a member of goodreads then you should check it out here.  They have an app for your phone so you can always be sure to check in when you are out and about.  Great for being able to scan a book and check to see if you have already read it or be able to recommend the book to a friend.


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